Property Tax

All Cheques are to be made payable to the "Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain". The Municipality of Killarney - Turtle Mountain accepts debit, cheques, cash or telebanking / online banking through your financial institution, payments only.

The Municipality of Killarney-Turtle Mountain tax year runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. Taxes are due the last business day in September. The Municipality accepts post-dated cheques and encourages you to mail or drop off your payments in advance to ensure they are received on time. If you wish to make monthly payments, please contact the office directly.

If making a payment through telebanking, please allow 3 - 4 days for the payment to reach our office by the due date. The payment must be received in our office by 4:30 pm on the due date.

Tax Penalties:
A penalty of 1.25% (per month) 18% per annum will be added to all unpaid taxes after the due date, and a like penalty on the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until paid. Tax arrears and penalties must be paid in full before payment can be applied to current taxes. Properties in arrears of taxes for more than one year may be sold for taxes.

Please note that telebanking and payments made at financial institutions can take up to 4 days to be received by the Municipality. Please keep this in mind if you are planning to make your payment by this method.

Please check your tax statement to see if you are receiving the Manitoba Education Property Tax Advance credit. The credit can only be claimed on your primary residence. If you are eligible for the credit, please bring your statement and your social insurance number to the Municipal office and we would be happy to help you complete the credit application form.

If you have sold your property, it is very important for you to forward the Tax Statements to your lawyer. This will ensure that the new owner will receive the Tax Statement. 

Property Assessment Values

The Province of Manitoba establishes property values throughout the province, with the exception of the City of Winnipeg. If you have questions regarding the assessed value of your property (indicated on your property tax statement) please visit or call 204-326-9896. Please make sure to reference the property roll number indicated on the top right hand corner of your tax statement when making inquiries regarding your property.

NEW  Manitoba’s property assessment services are now digitally available. Property owners outside the City of Winnipeg can access their assessment notice by creating an account on the MyPropertyMB digital portal.

Through the portal, property owners have access to enhanced details of their property assessment, such as buildings assessed on their property, characteristics including building age, size, and features that impact the assessed value.