

Effective, July 1, 2015, compost waste will no longer be picked up from residents. Compost can be dropped off at the landfill site. All compost must be removed from plastic bags, or recyclable / compost bags can be used.

Effective June 20, 2015, all electronics can be dropped off at the landfill site.

The following items can now be recycled at the following locations:

  • Household batteries - Killarney Home Hardware
  • Plastic grocery bags - Killarney-Cartwright Co-op Food Store
  • Unused prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, oral dosage and natural health products (sharps, needles or syringes not accepted) - Killarney Pharmacy


Single Stream Recycling ~ No Sorting!

All Recyclable in One Cart means no sorting, bagging, or tying recyclables: place all material loose in your bin. Shredded paper should be bagged and tied shut as well.

Contracted by:  Loraas Disposal

Please click to view the zone maps.

Collection Calendars - Loraas Disposal

Please click here to view a poster of Accepted / Not Accepted Items.

Please click here to view the Ninga, MB collection calendar.

How to use your carts: Front Street Pick-Up

  • Your cart will be emptied every-other-week, please check your collection calendar.
  • To ensure your cart gets emptied have it to the curb by 7 A.M.
  • The cart should be on the street with the wheels against the curb. Arrows should point to the center of the road. Give at least an arm's length of clearance on all sides.
  • After the cart has been emptied, roll it back to its place off the street
  • Only recyclables INSIDE the cart will be collected
  • Please notify Loraas Disposal if your cart has been damaged, stolen, or vandalized, 204-748-2846, or email
  • Please keep the cart clean & take care of it
  • Leave space between the cart and any obstruction

1. Park it - cart should be on the street with the wheels against the curb
2. Point it - arrows should point to the centre of the road
3. Space it - give at least an arm's length of clearance on all sides of the cart


  • Flattened corrugated cardboard & paperboard (i.e. empty cereal boxes, empty detergent boxes, empty tissue boxes) placed loosely in the cart
  • Newspapers, flyers, inserts, junk mail
  • Magazines, catalogues, paperback books, hardcover books with covers and spine removed
  • Telephone books
  • Gift & packaging paper (except aluminum or shiny paper)
  • Brown paper bags, tissue roll cores, gift & packing paper, paper egg cartons
  • Shredded paper - please bag

CONTAINERS & GLASS - Clean and Rinsed - Do Not Bag or Tie

  • Aluminum soft drink & beer cans
  • Household tin cans (please rinse)
  • Milk cartons & jugs (please rinse)
  • Juice cartons, boxes & aseptic containers (please rinse)
  • Plastic soft drink & water bottles
  • Household plastic containers & bottles - must have the recycling arrows with a number (1, 2, 4, 5, 7) on the bottom. (A container with the arrows but no number means the container is made from recycled materials but may not be recyclable itself & cannot be accepted.) No clamshell containers labelled #1.

DO NOT RECYCLE - If the following material is in the cart, it will either be unloaded, or the cart will not be emptied

  • Any bagged material (excluding shredded paper). This allows material to be sorted later in the recycling process & reduces the cost of processing
  • Wax, food contaminated, or plastic-coated cardboard, cups, or paper plates
  • Soiled tissues, napkins & paper towels, or food waste of any kind
  • Styrofoam or other foam packing
  • Household garbage, organic hazardous or regulated waste
  • Medical waste or diapers
  • Hazardous material such as paint, chemicals, or solvents
  • Ashes, dirt, concrete, or other heavy materials
  • Construction material such as boards, roofing materials and carpet
  • Automotive parts, tires, oil filters or oil
  • Propane tanks, electrical cords, batteries
  • Clear, plastic clam shell containers labelled #1
  • Plastic bags, toys or tupperware
  • Outdoor lawn furniture
  • No cups, dishes, ashtrays, window glass, mirrors, Pyrex, ceramics, light bulbs or crystal
  • No animal waste (including cat litter)
  • Tree branches, grass clippings or leaves
  • Electronics of any kind (including monitors, keyboards & TVs)
  • Snack food packages & sandwich bags
  • Clothing or bedding of any kind

Please ensure that household garbage, i.e. dirty diapers, and styrofoam are taken to the local landfill. PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS AND SHINY, THIN PLASTIC from packaging are not recyclable. Grocery bags may be taken back to the grocery store.
Please note: No plastic bags or plastic film are accepted.

Williams Avenue North Depot (For Rural Ratepayers)

* Pop & beer cans

STEEL CANS: remove labels, rinse
*All food cans

GLASS: rinse; no need to remove labels
*Liquor bottles
*Food jars

CARDBOARD: remove plastic and tape; flatten
*Corrugated cardboard
*Residential cardboard (product packaging such as cereal boxes)

OFFICE PAPER: keep free of contamination by other garbage; bag all shredded paper
*All office papers typically found on a desk (including all envelopes, bond paper, file folders; but excluding carbon paper)

NEWSPRINT: keep dry, request no bagging or bundling
*Catalogues & magazines
*Telephone books

PLASTICS: remove lids, rinse, check number on the bottom of the container
*Type 1 – Example: pop bottles - No clamshell containers labelled #1.
*Type 2 – Example: milk & bleach jugs, some vitamin, detergent, shampoo & cleaning supply bottles, and some margarine containers
*Type 4 – rigid #4 plastics only

NOTE: We do NOT accept plastic bags, used diapers, or styrofoam.

Please ensure that household garbage, i.e. dirty diapers, and styrofoam are taken to the local landfill. PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS AND SHINY, THIN PLASTIC from packaging are NOT recyclable. Please DO NOT bring these to the recycling depot. Grocery bags may be taken back to the grocery store.